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Black Box Challenge


After waking up the next day from visiting a flea market, your excitement about NES games is reinvigorated! You decide to go out on a quest to collect all of the black box series of games for the NES. In this RPG style adventure that takes place in a more modern setting, you must collect NES games and play them as minigames to earn power-ups and upgrades to complete the game. Can you track them all down in this epic 10+ hour quest, and who is this mysterious Evil Overlord? And what's up with this Chad guy?

The 1k Series being one of my fortes, those really aided me in being able to come up with all the minigames that I wanted to include here. Some have similarities to each other, but are still different enough to present their own unique challenges. Also, since the subject matter was specifically NES games and collecting, it gave me a chance to sprinkle a bit of social commentary and culture references in many different forms throughout the game, some obvious and others less so. When you have a lot of game to make, it's not so hard to do that either, as it turns out!

This is hands down the biggest game I have made to date. The design was the most crucial aspect to it, and it had to be done in many different ways as to keep the player within some kind of bounds of play, keeping them limited in where they could go in terms of battles, as well as obstructions that keep them from advancing into other areas. I really think the balance came out great, if I do say so myself!

Sly Dog Studios
Alternate Names
  • Jeffrey Wittenhagen's Black Box Challenge
No information available
No information available


Box - Back

Black Box Challenge - Box - Back - 557x800
North America -  557 x 800

Box - Front

Black Box Challenge - Box - Front - 1407x2000
North America -  1407 x 2000
Black Box Challenge - Box - Front - 890x1250
North America -  890 x 1250

Cart - Front

Black Box Challenge - Cart - Front - 584x632
North America -  584 x 632

Clear Logo

Black Box Challenge - Clear Logo - 570x215
World -  570 x 215

Fanart - Box - Front

Black Box Challenge - Fanart - Box - Front - 450x780
North America -  450 x 780
Black Box Challenge - Fanart - Box - Front - 347x481
North America -  347 x 481
Black Box Challenge - Fanart - Box - Front - 468x639
North America -  468 x 639

Screenshot - Game Title

Black Box Challenge - Screenshot - Game Title - 256x240
256 x 240

Screenshot - Gameplay

Black Box Challenge - Screenshot - Gameplay - 256x240
256 x 240
Black Box Challenge - Screenshot - Gameplay - 256x240
256 x 240
Black Box Challenge - Screenshot - Gameplay - 256x240
256 x 240