Let's Go Safari, released in Japan as Souzou Kids: Let's Go Safari is an educational arcade game which teaches young children about wildlife. It is part of the Let's Go! series.
Let's Go Safari is housed in a cabinet resembling a safari jeep. It is designed to comfortably seat either two children or a child and an adult. The game simulates driving a safari vehicle through a wildlife park. Upon starting the game, children may choose from four different types of safaris, including "baby", "wild", and "cute". Each safari features 7 animals, of which players may select 3 to visit via a branching path system. When each species is visited, a live-action video of that animal is played while a narrator provides facts about it. After 3 animals have been visited, the safari ends, and players are asked a simple trivia question about one of the animals they visited.
Let's Go Safari includes many interactive features for children to enjoy. Players may drive the jeep left and right, operate the windshield wipers, honk the horn, and shift gears to make the jeep move faster or slower. There are also buttons which make fireworks appear or pull up facts about the animal about to be visited.