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Illustration of Telnyr II: The Golden Chalice

Telnyr II: The Golden Chalice


Originally released in 1992, later Published in Loadstar #192 in the year 2000. The Golden Chalice is the second Telnyr title written by Peter R. Boothman (1943-2012), an Australian jazz guitarist. He was in his late 40s when he wrote the Telnyr trilogy, Telnyr II begins with the dire news that Telnyr "has been overcome by monsters, footpads, and restless spirits" and that "demons have stolen the Golden Chalice and hidden it in the darkest dungeon." Enter the hero, called "Nova" by the locals (a name that the player is unable to change). He starts on the island with 250 hit points, 100 gold, 40 food, a "crummy bow," and no other items. Movement is with the joystick. The button is used to pick up items and enter buildings. Other commands use the keyboard and are listed when you hit the SPACE bar.

Commodore 64
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Fanart - Box - Front

Telnyr II: The Golden Chalice - Fanart - Box - Front (null) - 720x968
720 x 968

Screenshot - Game Title

Telnyr II: The Golden Chalice - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 320x200
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Screenshot - Gameplay

Telnyr II: The Golden Chalice - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 320x200
320 x 200