Item Getter: Bokura no Kagaku to Mahou no Kankei is a magic-science adventure RPG set in a fantasy world where modern-day characters are transported to an ancient magical kingdom. The story follows a group of modern youth who find themselves in this magical world, where their technology—like computers and mobile phones—is mistaken for powerful artifacts. They must navigate this world, where their scientific knowledge blends with ancient magic, to prevent the resurrection of an evil sorcerer named Jack Magnacost. While the gameplay features turn-based battles, like the name suggests, the game focuses on item collection and synthesis. Players can collect over 1,000 items, many of which can be customized or designed by the player. These items play a crucial role in solving puzzles, progressing the story, and enhancing characters' abilities. The game also offers a unique feature allowing players to share their custom-designed items with friends.
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