Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 is a game based on the "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" anime series. The game follows the story of Celestial Being, a paramilitary organization dedicated to eradicating war through the use of advanced mobile suits called Gundams. Players take on the roles of Gundam Meisters, piloting powerful Gundam units to engage in battles against various factions and adversaries in a war-torn future. The gameplay combines action and strategy elements, allowing players to pilot their Gundams in various missions. These missions include space and terrestrial combat, requiring players to utilize the unique abilities and weapons of each Gundam unit. The game features multiple modes, including story mode, which follows the narrative of the anime, and multiplayer modes for competitive play. Players can upgrade their Gundams, unlock new units, and customize their arsenal to tackle increasingly challenging missions.
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