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Illustration of Timezone



Cool H.E.R.O-esque shoot'em up game. Published in Magic Disk 64 1989/12. As one of the greatest inventors of your age, you have developed a new machine, the TIMEBLASTER, with the help of which it is possible to beam from one planetary system to another in a matter of seconds.

Before you post this news, however, go to the planet Zynox for a test. Once there, inquire about the area, but when you return your TIMEBLASTER has disappeared. . .

Now you have 4 hours to find the 8 parts of the timeblaster before your oxygen supply runs out. The inhabitants of the planet are certainly not helping you find it. . .

CP Verlag
Commodore 64
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Box - Front

Timezone - Box - Front - 1000x1423
Europe -  1000 x 1423

Clear Logo

Timezone - Clear Logo - 614x98
614 x 98

Fanart - Box - Front

Timezone - Fanart - Box - Front - 720x968
720 x 968
Timezone - Fanart - Box - Front - 726x1019
726 x 1019

Screenshot - Game Title

Timezone - Screenshot - Game Title - 384x272
384 x 272

Screenshot - Gameplay

Timezone - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x200
320 x 200
Timezone - Screenshot - Gameplay - 384x272
384 x 272