Set in the year 2033, the story begins with the AD Police responding to a Boomer appearance in the city. An AD Police officer called Schneider rushes to the scene and recklessly tries to take on the Boomer by himself, but ends up getting killed. Later on, the Knight Sabers realise that one of their members, Nene, has gone missing. As they search for her whereabouts, they also begin to uncover the truth behind the earlier Boomer incident and its connection with the Genom corporation. As one of the Knight Saber characters, the game focuses on exploring the different areas of Mega Tokyo and interacting with its various inhabitants. All this is done by moving the character in four directions by using the keyboard. The look and feel isn't too dissimiliar to exploring a town in an RPG. Aside from the slightly jerky side scrolling animation, the in game visuals are more or less what you would expect from the time. There is some good attention to detail to the environment, providing a distinct look in each of the 5 different areas you can explore (Central, Junk, Slums, Residential, and Downtown).
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