This is a hardtype hack, that drastically increases the difficulty of the original game, as well as a re-balancing of various aspects for the sake of tuning the difficulty curve, customization, and/or fun. A key part of the re-balance in this hack is making most Dual-Techs and Triple-Techs significantly stronger than in the original game, compared to Single Techs.
Summary of Changes:
-Entire game made substantially more difficult. Usually not so much as to require substantial grind. By end-game, having max of certain defensive stats is necessary, and is also achievable long before reaching max level.
- Particular detail has been given to end-game bosses and enemies, often involving extensive changes of their battle scripts.
- Running from battles, is no longer possible.
- From Death's Peak onward, enemies give substantially increased XP compared to the original game, in order to speed-up the end-game leveling process.
- Dual- and Triple-Tech power generally improved.
- Some re-balancing of endgame skills, especially: Luminaire, Flare, Dark Matter, Shock, and Dark Bomb, but others as well.
- General re-balance of characters, but staying within their given themes.
- End-game equipment has been partially re-designed with new stats and effects in the interest of balance and providing more complex equipment setups.
- Once you have the winged Epoch, no one-time-fight-able enemies from that point forward, will have unique charm-able items -- WITH THE EXCEPTION OF OZZIE'S FORT. This frees the player from having to include Ayla in a great many boss fights. Typically, the bosses now drop their charm-able item instead, if it was something special.
- Special Uber-Boss: Nu Spekkio is now 10x the force he was in the original game. Try him out if you're looking for a battle potentially even more epic than the final battle.
- Easter Egg: Lucca's Pico Magnum can be found somewhere in the game, but it's rather annoying to acquire. It's a good weapon for her when you get it, but mostly, it's just a trophy.
- Lapis item now heals for 350, instead of 200.
- Megalixirs, can now only be used on the field.
- Developers
- zombero
- Publishers
- Romhacking.net
- Genre
- Role-Playing
- Alternate Names
- Chrono Trigger: Lavos' Awakening (Hardtype)World
- Wikipedia
- No information available