Based on the manga and anime of the same name, Nodame Cantabile follows the odd couple of Shinichi Chiaki and Megumi Noda. Both are students at the prestigious Momogaoka College of Music; Shinichi is a studious and strict conductor while Megumi is a pianist known for her loose and inventive playing style. While the original manga focuses on the development of their relationship, this game adaptation is more of a slice-of-life story taking place partway through the original story. The main game mode is a rhythm game in which players control Shinichi and conduct classical music performances. Large notes flow towards the left from the right side of the touchscreen, and lines of notes fly down from the top of the screen; players need to tap the large notes as lines of notes reach them. In addition to large notes, there are also streams of notes; with these, players need to hold the stylus down while following the shape of the stream as it moves over the screen. In addition to the main game mode, there are also a variety of short minigames featuring various characters from the manga.
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