
Golden Axe Myth

Release Date calendar
August 4, 2011
Platform joystick
Game Type type
Max Players players

Developed by a small team of fans from Argentina, Golden Axe Myth is a spiritual successor to Sega's 1989 arcade classic, Golden Axe, and runs on the open-source Beats of Rage engine, the foundation of many homebrew beat 'em ups. Fight your way through 16 different locations and choose from 4 main fighters -- barbarian Ax Battler, amazon Tyris Flare, dwarf Gilius Thunderhead, and Death Adder, the game's original villain -- with bonus characters who can join the party in later stages. All heroes have different strengths and weaknesses, and you can pick up and play from where you left off with another character, should you die. Brief cutscenes tell the story, with branching paths and hidden areas along the way. In addition to magic jars, grab power-ups to increase your strength and defense, and money to buy items in the shops. The mechanics have been expanded to allow vertical rolls, blocking and additional special movies like Rage Mode. The game was one of the first OpenBOR projects to feature totally original art and was widely praised for its production and overall fun factor.

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Not Rated

Beat 'em Up
Bariton Marchetto
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