Mercury 2: Tale of the Planet is set in the same universe and time period as The Prime Master, but casts a different glance upon the events. As in the previous game, the story revolves around the war initiated by the race of Fantura against the technologically advanced civilization of Ende. Satan Crowhazer was one of the eight representatives of Fantura who did not support the war. He was betrayed by his powerful compatriots, and saved by a person from the Ende race, who put him into a cryogenic chamber. Awakening after 15 years, Satan finds out the terrible truth: using the magical abilities of the Apocrypha race, most of the Fantura have been turned into hideous monsters. Their leaders, who have lost any resemblance to human beings plan to conquer the entire world. Will the last hero of Fantura be able to stop the destruction his own race brings upon itself and others?.. Mercury 2: Tale of the Planet looks and plays almost identically to its predecessor, even though its graphics have a slightly more pronounced anime edge. It utilizes isometric graphics for exploration and combat. As before, enemies appear randomly and have to be defeated in turn-based combat. Leveling up is automatic, as in most Japanese RPGs. Despite its overall sci-fi theme, heroes can use magic spells in the game.
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