Classic Operation is a turn-based sci-fi strategy game focusing entirely on battles between the Earth Federation and Zeon. The game has two campaigns, 0079 and 0087, corresponding to the years in which two major wars of the Gundam universe took place: the first war against the Principality of Zeon and the conflict between various factions (including the Axis Zeon, the first of the Neo Zeon organizations) eight years later. The player can either go through the battles of each campaign in a linear fashion (Campaign Mode), or choose between different battles (Scenario Mode); the latter includes two-player gameplay as well. The player may assign and customize various pilots before each battle. The battles themselves are predominantly tactical, consisting mainly of navigation and attacking, without resource management. Units may consist of space ships, infantry, droids, mechas, etc. An automatic battle between two units ensues when any of them chooses to attack the other. There are also light role-playing elements such as levels for individual units.
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