Release Date calendar
October 18, 1996
Platform joystick
NEC PC-9801
Game Type type
Max Players players

The year is 1928. The First World War has devastated the world. But life goes on, and people try to forget the horror of wars. The hero of the game is a simple, young Japanese man named Koshino. He is a member of the crew of a huge ship that carries on board prominent people from different countries. It sails from Japan to America, via the Mediterranean Sea. Before long the hero gets acquainted with the passengers of the ship - all from different countries, most of them pretty young girls, and some of them having their own hidden agenda. Meeting suspicious people on the ship brings Koshino to conclusion that something will go very wrong - unless he interferes and investigates, at the same time trying to seduce as many young foreign ladies as possible. Blind Games plays like a typical Japanese adventure. Most of the gameplay involves going around the ship (actually jumping from screen to screen by choosing the "Move" command in the menu), bumping into people and triggering events. The standard interaction are menu verbs Move, Look, and Think; however, many scenes have context-sensitive commands and dialogue choices, that lead to branching story-line - mostly involving which girl Koshino will have sex with and which he will leave in peace.

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May-Be Soft
May-Be Soft
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