Dungeon Harlem is a first-person dungeon crawler. The player controls a naked female warrior named Esbe, who is contacted by the Goddess of Peace with the request to exterminate monsters inhabiting underground labyrinths and rescue young women abducted by them. The game is set in a pseudo-3D maze-like environment. Enemies appear randomly and Esbe fights them solo in turn-based fashion, using a physical attack or a magic spell, which requires magic points. Finding and rescuing the woman trapped in the dungeon may award Esbe with useful items (such as a light device that improves visibility during exploration) or better weapons. Enemies may be more or less susceptible to physical or magical attacks. There is no possibility to use items in combat or generally use any healing items. Special water springs found in different corners of the maze restore either hit points or magic points to the full. The game contains scenes with explicit nudity.
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