B-Ko is a princess from a magical dimension, who is having a vacation on the earth, masquerading as a student in the Catholic St. Rapahel High School. This peaceful (and pleasant) time-passing ends when the evil witch Saprinu appears in our dimension and attacks B-Ko. Saprinu's demonic plan is to steal precious energy from female virgins. Now it's time for B-Ko's faithful servant, a young man known as Alpha, to "intercept" the poor virgins (using his own methods), before they fall prey to Saprinu... Mahō Shōjo B-Ko walks a fine line between an adventure game (Japanese-style) and visual novel; the interaction is very limited, with only three commands (Look, Talk, Move) and no sub-menus. It also features navigation (menu-based) through various parts of the school. Some conversations offer dialogue choices, typically for visual novels.
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