Saint Diary is a visual novel focusing on the romantic life of a high school student named Kiyoka (the Chinese character used to spell here name means "saint"), who works as a waitress at the local cafe during a vacation. The protagonist of the game is a male college student who frequents the cafe and gradually develops a relationship with Kiyoka. Though there are two other female characters in the game, the dating aspect focuses exclusively on Kiyoka. Like in most visual novels, interaction is sporadic and limited; as opposed to most representatives of the genre, instead of making a choice between two or more context-specific actions the player is prompted to select a command ("Look", "Talk", or "Action") within a time limit. Failure to make a choice, however, does not incur any penalty besides slightly influencing subsequent events. When dating Kiyoka the player is able to choose a location for the date, which also affects the following scenes. Eventually the couple engages in sexual intercourse, which is displayed explicitly.
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