Hokuto no Ken is based on the manga series Fist of the North Star. The story focuses on Kenshiro, a young martial artist proficient in the deadly technique known as Hokuto Shinken, which he uses to protect innocents against malevolent fighters populating a post-apocalyptic world. The game's plot follows the initial story arc of the manga, as Kenshiro and Bat are trying to locate Kenshiro's old rival Shin. This incarnation of the series is a Japanese-style adventure, with still screens representing locations and menu-based interaction with the environment. The verb menu is the same for all screens, comprising eleven commands. The player advances the story by exploring locations and trying out all the commands, combining some of them with objects. The game also includes a few fight sequences, during which the player has to aim a specific body part and charge a punch to inflict damage to the enemy.
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