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Illustration of Zillion



Zillion is a video slot machine simulation developed by Helge Sascha Anders Kozielek and published by CP Verlag in Magic Disk 64 1993/12. If you are interested in gambling, but visits to various gambling caves become too expensive in the long run, you can have just as much fun with "Zillion" - but free of charge! "Zillion" is a simulation of a slot machine popularly known as the "one armed bandit".

During a game run, the three reels each stop three times. If no three identical symbols have appeared on the reels, a credit is deducted and you slowly approach the end of the game. The rollers stop randomly or at the push of a joystick.If the reels are stopped for the first time, you can "keep" up to two symbols by selecting the "Hold" option. This considerably increases the chances of a hit. The game is over when all credits have been used or by simply selecting the "Coin" field.

CP Verlag
Commodore 64
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Box - Front

Zillion - Box - Front - 401x570
Germany -  401 x 570

Fanart - Box - Front

Zillion - Fanart - Box - Front - 720x968
720 x 968
Zillion - Fanart - Box - Front - 720x1024
720 x 1024

Screenshot - Gameplay

Zillion - Screenshot - Gameplay - 320x200
320 x 200