Set in a 30th-century space colony, the game follows Shin Kanzaki, a high school student funding his own education by taking part-time jobs. To earn money, Shin joins an experimental simulation program that recreates life on Earth in the latter half of the 20th century. However, the program’s setting, complete with mundane tasks like carrying luggage and making deliveries, quickly contrasts with the futuristic backdrop. The game focuses on everyday life rather than its sci-fi premise, blending slice-of-life storytelling with comedic gags and a diverse cast of sub-characters. Players work for one of six delivery companies, fulfilling jobs and encountering events along the way. Interaction with characters, including potential romantic interests, revolves around building relationships by working hard for their respective companies. With its emphasis on humor and character interactions over a coherent narrative, the game offers a unique, albeit unconventional, experience.
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