Batman: The Telltale Series is an episodic graphical adventure game based on the Batman comic series and not any previous adaptation. It is the second Telltale adaptation of a DC Comics franchise, following The Wolf Among Us and it uses a similar cel shaded visual style. The game mixes moments controlling business man Bruce Wayne and his superhero alter ego Batman with an even split. The game is set in Gotham City a few years after Wayne decides to become Batman. He is already fully equipped with gadgets and the batmobile, assisted by his butler Alfred Pennyworth, but no one knows his real identity yet. Both criminals and the police are however already aware of his actions. The game starts with a robbery at City Hall. Batman is there to fight the criminals, but a superhero Catwoman he has not encountered before turns up as well. At the same time, as Bruce Wayne, he endorses District Attorney Harvey Dent to become Gotham's new mayor, much to the chagrin of the current mayor Hill. Other important characters are the mob boss Carmine Falcone, reporter Vicki Vale, police lieutenant James Gordon and childhood friend Oswald Cobblepot. The event at City Hall sets a lot in motion that involves all the different characters. The game consists of five episodes released over time: Batman: The Telltale Series - Episode 1: Realm of Shadows Batman: The Telltale Series - Episode 2: Children of Arkham Batman: The Telltale Series - Episode 3: New World Order Batman: The Telltale Series - Episode 4: Guardian of Gotham Batman: The Telltale Series - Episode 5: City of Lights
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