Twin Soul ツインソウル is a doujin shoot'em up for the sharp x68000 developed by Login in 1989. You play as a dragon with two heads (from this frature comes the title of the game) and this is the core of the gameplay. The game consist of 6 stages. The game uses two buttons that we will call A and B for explanation purposes. During the game, if you destroy some enemies you can get 3 kind of power ups: 1) Fire bullets ( represented by a violet skull with wings) 2) Blue Penetrating bullets (represented by arpy's face) 3) Boomerang bullets (represented by a blue dragon face) With button A you shoot , with button B you switch power ups from one head to the other one. If you press A + B your dragon will change colour. There are 4 colours, each one with a specific feature. BLUE: one head shoot forward, the other one shoot backward WHITE: both heads shoot forward RED: both heads shots will follow your movement GREEN: one head will shoot forward, and the other head shot will follow your movement. Sometimes if you press A + B , other than change colour , your dragon will destroy all small enemies on screen (bomb feature). Anyway I didn't understand how exactly this works. At the end of each level you are brought back to the screen "push button to start". If you press B button, you will start the stage, while if you press B button you will change the stage (so it is a feature to choose stage). The HITPOINT is represented by only one of the two heads. You can also use the second head to destroy some kind of bullets (like in dragon breed by Irem)
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