King Arthur's Quest is an illustrated timed text adventure. The story is set on Morgana's land containing eight areas: Merlin's Tower, the Wilderness,the Enchanted Forest, the Keep, Chapel, Crypt, Cavern, and Spell Roomof Morgana's Castle. Each area is based on a grid of 10 squares by 10 squares. As King Arthur of Camelot the player must id the land of the evil spell which Morgana has cast in vengeance. Morgana's land is full of traps and obstacles. Passing these requires finding appropriate things or people. Text in the game is supplemented by graphics and sound. The player performs activities using keyboard commands. The game screen is divided into view of Morgana's world window, Excalibur (sword change colour as Arthur's life-force drains away because of the icy spell cast over the land), inventory, message window.
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