The Last Starfighter was a prototype game being developed as a tie-in release to the movie of the same name. When the movie performed poorly, the game was withheld, and then later repurposed and renamed into "Star Raiders II". The modifications from Starfighter to the Star Raiders universe was relatively limited; star bases were added as the only way to repair damage, as well as a secondary source of energy (the star remained as a primary fueling point). The Frontier was removed, and the command ships that were originally intended to attack it became additional powerful enemies. Shields were added to the player's ship, and a new "tactical scanner" was added that displayed status information about the fighter in a single overview. Names of the ships and planets were changed, with most of them names from the original Star Raiders being used or adapted. The original animated introduction, similar to one seen in the movie, was removed, and a simple "Star Raiders II" copyright splash-screen was put in its place.
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