Solo Flight: 2nd Edition

Release Date calendar
Platform joystick
Atari 800
Game Type type
Max Players players

Solo Flight: 2nd Edition is a new version of the original flight simulator Solo Flight and once again allows you to fly a small plane, the Ryan ST-A with a new look cockpit instrument panel. At the start of the game you have two options, whether to fly the plane for practise or fly the plane for a mail run. You have the choice of six American states to fly over (instead of three in the original) which are Kansas, Washington, Colorado, Michigan, Massachusetts or Texas, each having their own weather and terrain. The games viewpoint is a 3rd person perspective behind the plane again with the joystick and keyboard to control your plane. The game also included speech to help you in flying by giving instructions as you fly. In Mail Run you have been given the task of delivering the mail from your home runway to either one other airport or various airports. There are four difficulty levels (Student, Private, Senior or Command). Before your flight you must re-fuel your plane taking note of the weight of the plane and you can decide how many airports you wish to fly to. In practise flying you have 4 levels of difficulty (Clear, Landing, Contest or IFR). Clear allows you to fly in good weather, Landing is practising landing, Contest gives you a score for your landings and IFR is flying in low level clouds with zero visibility so you can only rely on your instrument panel. You also can fly in the day or at night. The actual flying part has you sat on a runway and using the keyboard and joystick you take off into the sky and using the joystick control the plane. A map can be brought up to make sure your in the right direction. Once you have reached another airport you are able to land.

Alternate Names
  • Solo Flight: Second Edition

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