A magical world populated by supernatural creatures exists alongside ours. Once in a while a portal between the two opens. Demons known as BEMs ("big-eyed monsters") have stolen precious jewels and escaped to Earth through that portal. It is up to two demon hunters, Lime and Bass, to assume the likeness of a teenage girl and boy and restore peace and order. Jewel Bem Hunter Lime Vol. 01 is the first episode of a series, built like an interactive cartoon with visual novel elements. The interaction is sparse, consisting of repeatedly selecting simple verb commands from a menu and triggering animated cutscenes. In the first episode Bass (controlled by the player) and Lime are trying to stop a BEM who looks like an oversized candle and attempts to turn people into wax statues. The game was sold through TAKERU. TAKERU was a software distribution mechanism from Brother Industries in Japan. The TAKERU machine was a type of vending machine, where the user could select the software to purchase and upon paying it would dispense the media which the user would then have to put back into the device to write the software to Cartridge or Disk. It would also print a simple instruction manual sheet. It supported computers such as the MSX, PC-9801, FM-77AV and later also supported the PC.
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