
The Korth Trilogy 2: Besieged!

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The Korth Trilogy is a series of children's Science fiction adventure books written by Peter K. McBride and published by Puffin Books Ltd. in the early 1980's. The three books in this series are ; The Korth Trilogy 1 : Escape from Arkaron The Korth Trilogy 2 : Besieged The Korth Trilogy 3 : Into the Empire Each book was released with an accompanying cassette containing a series of mini-games that tie in with sections of the book. This is the second book / set of games in the series. A full description has not been provided as this would reveal the storyline of the book. The mini games contained on the accompanying cassette are ; Simulator : Side 1, game 1. This is a combat simulator. The player is presented with information on weapons and the Korth ships before being given a chance to use them. This is a top down, 2-D, game where the player must select and use the weapons in the right combination from an appropriate range. Landfall : Side 1, game 2. This game is a version of Lunar Lander. The player must guide a space ship to a successful landing on a planet surface with mountains and plains with limited fuel. There are four controls, left / right which re-orient the ship through 90 degrees, and thrust / reverse thrust which control speed. Alpha : Side 2, game 1. This is a top down explore / maze game. The player must explore the Alpha base to locate and reprogram the computer. To do this they must find the way out of each level, usually a lift or stairs, open doors, shoot guards etc. At the end of each mini game the player is offered the chance to replay. There is no automatic progression between the games, after each the Spectrum must be reset and the next game loaded.

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Not Rated

Adventure, Shooter
Peter K. McBride
Penguin Books
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