Neo Atlas 1469

Release Date calendar
April 19, 2018
Platform joystick
Nintendo Switch
Game Type type
Max Players players

15th Century, Europe. In a time where people held many views on how the world looked like, but no one to confirm. You play the role as the Master of a Trading Company, and your aim is to complete the World Map and tell the world what the "world" really is, via the help of the admirals you hire. As a Trader, you listen to your admirals' reports, and draw your very own World Map from there. Some reports may be mundane but valid, while some may sound like they've fought mythical creatures like krakens or whatnots. Depending on what you believe and approve, your World Map takes shape. And depending on how you choose your approvals, your World may end up very differently. It may end up like this...

Alternate Names

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E10+ - Everyone 10+

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