Neon Genesis Evangelion is a game adaptation of the anime series of the same name. It is the only Evangelion game that was released on N64. It covers the major battles from the entire Evangelion saga and features original footage from the anime. In Story Mode the player takes control of bio-mechanical mechas called Evas to fight against monstrous beings called Angels. To see every mission through, combo attacks (punches and kicks), blocking and grappling techniques are available at the pilot's disposal. Depending on the damage the player's Eva takes and if certain parameters are met during that time the player will be given a time limit in which they must end the battle with the Angel. The Simulation Mode almost plays like a shooter. It’s a 1st-person perspective mode where the player must eliminate as many Angels as possible within the time limit. When the time limit ends a rank is assigned depending on how many enemies were destroyed and how many bullets were used.
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