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Illustration of Frank N, Stein Re-booted

Frank N, Stein Re-booted


Published on 14 September 2011, precisely 27 years after the original Frank N Stein.

As with the original version, the idea is to create the monster's skeleton by building it up piece by piece, in the right order. Then apply the power and bring him to life! On the even levels, you need to destroy the monster and now it's a little more Donkey Kong style and you can jump! You still need the springs though, in order to jump high enough and get to the next platform.

Colin Stewart
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Box - 3D

Frank N, Stein Re-booted - Box - 3D - 334x551
Europe -  334 x 551

Box - Front

Frank N, Stein Re-booted - Box - Front - 300x450
Europe -  300 x 450

Clear Logo

Frank N, Stein Re-booted - Clear Logo - 400x175
400 x 175

Screenshot - Game Title

Frank N, Stein Re-booted - Screenshot - Game Title - 512x384
512 x 384

Screenshot - Gameplay

Frank N, Stein Re-booted - Screenshot - Gameplay - 512x384
512 x 384
Frank N, Stein Re-booted - Screenshot - Gameplay - 512x384
512 x 384