Geo Slave is set in a fictional modern day-like society which values violent entertainment above all; similarly to ancient Rome, people watch battles between slaves in giant fighting arenas. The player takes control of a man named Ash, whose goal is to train such slaves. In the beginning, his mission is to coach a beautiful girl named Fina, and help her win the tournament. Geo Slave is a simulation game, somewhat similar to Princess Maker (though with much simpler gameplay): day by day, the player chooses activities for the slave, which include different kinds of physical and mental training, conversation, vacations, etc. All these activities affect the slave's statistics and ultimately lead to her victory or downfall. Between training sessions, the player is free to visit various locations in the town, buy weapons and items for the slave, and meet different characters such as Ash's rivals, other slaves, etc. The game includes scenes with adult content.
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