The protagonist of the game is a college student named Shunsuke. His mother died when he was five years old. Now his father is marrying again. He and his new wife have departed on a honeymoon; while he is waiting for them to come home, Shunsuke discovers that he doesn't live alone any more: three young sisters of his stepmother have moved in. Shunsuke now tries to get to know them better (in every possible way..), at the same time gradually discovering dark secrets about his father's intimate life. Hiiro no Shimai ("Scarlet Sisters") can be considered a Japanese-style adventure game, since every screen is accompanied by omnipresent, fixed verb commands: Look, Talk, or Move. Sometimes, one or two more context-specific commands pop out. The game is set entirely in the house, and most of it is spent going to different places (girls' bedrooms, living room, etc.), triggering encounters and advancing the plot. The very limited interaction (no object sub-menus) and the possibility to trigger different scenes by either going to different locations or making choices essentially make this game a visual novel.
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