The peaceful rural people known as "Monzetsu" (the word also means "anguish") have a legend that tells of a cruel king who had extreme sexual powers. His name has become taboo, but now, 300 years later, he is reincarnated. The best female fighters of the country must fight each other, proving their proficiency in sex, in order to face the king as the final confrontation! Monzetsu Fighter looks like a fighting game: it has a story mode and a battle mode, both of which consist of one-on-one fights. However, the fights themselves are strictly card-based. A rather unique feature of the game is the sexual nature of the fights. Each card depicts a certain sexual action. Every character has strength and weaknesses to different sexual techniques, so in order to win, the player must choose the right cards to play. Identical cards can be used in combos, dealing greater "damage". Playing a card leads to a sexually explicit, animated short scene depicting the action in question.
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