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Illustration of Ennumereight



Ennumereight is a 1 - 2 player board game for the 8-bit Atari computer.

Two players, or a computer opponent, play on a figure-8 board containing 8 separate spaces. Players take turns choosing one of the 4 spaces on their side of the game board. The numbers of that space are then counted around the board, with one point going to each location until all pieces. If the player plays so that the last space becomes a 2 or a 3 on their opponent's side of the board, they gain those points. The points are removed from the board, and gameplay continues until all points are removed from the board. There are 7 levels of computer opponent difficulty, and the player can start with 4 - 8 points in each space on the circle. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

Philip J. Baker
Atari 800
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Box - Front

Ennumereight - Box - Front - 1938x2754
United States -  1938 x 2754

Cart - Front

Ennumereight - Cart - Front - 592x371
United States -  592 x 371

Screenshot - Game Select

Ennumereight - Screenshot - Game Select - 336x224
336 x 224

Screenshot - Game Title

Ennumereight - Screenshot - Game Title - 336x224
336 x 224

Screenshot - Gameplay

Ennumereight - Screenshot - Gameplay - 336x224
336 x 224
Ennumereight - Screenshot - Gameplay - 336x224
336 x 224