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Illustration of Goblin Crusher

Goblin Crusher


In 'Goblin Crusher' you are Gwillam the Fighter. You will set out on your quest armed only with a sword and a heart filled with hope.

Can you fight your way to the heart of the goblin's tunnel complex and wrest the potion from the king?

Will you be able to return and free Yahto from the grip of the Ogre?

Elfin Software
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
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Box - Back

Goblin Crusher - Box - Back - 273x1201
United Kingdom -  273 x 1201

Box - Front

Goblin Crusher - Box - Front - 767x1200
United Kingdom -  767 x 1200

Box - Spine

Goblin Crusher - Box - Spine - 153x1201
United Kingdom -  153 x 1201

Cart - Front

Goblin Crusher - Cart - Front - 525x331
United Kingdom -  525 x 331