Ghost Hunter is a 1-2 player Pac-Man clone for the Atari 400/800. The mansion on Huckleberry Hill is haunted. Your mission is to rid the mansion of ghosts before they get you. The player controls a small character, whom must eat a series of dots within a maze. In 2-player mode, 2 players play simultaneously. Hunting the player are 4 ghosts, whom if come in contact will cause the player to lose a life. The player starts with 3 lives. There are 4 power pellets on each level, which when consumed, make the ghosts temporarily vulnerable. Each level has progressively faster ghosts. Has several unique features, including instant-hide, which causes a player to instantly disappear for 5 seconds, to save themselves from ghost attack. Can only be used once per life. Periodically, small pieces of the player character will appear on the screen, and if 6 are discovered, the player gains a new life. There are 15 per-designed level designs to play, plus a random level generator.
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