Release Date calendar
March 2, 1981
Platform joystick
Atari 800
Game Type type
Max Players players

From A.N.A.L.O.G. magazine issue 2. CANNON DUEL is a simulated artillery battle game for two players. Each players' cannon will be represented by a pillbox set in a randomly constructed terrain. As you enter the angle and velocity of your cannon blast, you will graphically see the trajectory of the projectile as it soars through the sky. In succeeding attempts, you must adjust your velocity or angle to score a hit on the opponents' pillbox. To begin, plug a pair of joysticks into slot # 1 & #2, and enter the names of the players. The player on the left will be represented by a red pillbox, and the player on the right will be blue. The player to shoot first is randomly selected. When it is your turn to shoot, slowly turn your joystick to select your angle; then press the fire button to register this value. Next, turn the joystick to select your velocity. Now, when you press the fire button, the projectile will be blasted onto its course. If you score a first round hit, your score will be incremented by 9 points. A second attempt hit scores 8 points, third round seven points, etc. Should neither player score a hit after nine attempts, a new terrain will be constructed. The first player to score a total of thirty or more points will be the winner. Several key program routines are documented so you can personally adjust the terrain or other variables; if you wish.

Alternate Names

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Not Rated

David J. Bohlke
ANALOG Computing
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