The year is A.D. 2795. The last eight hundred years have borne witness to no fewer than four thermo-nuclear wars, and now after almost two centuries of struggling to survive successive plagues, natural disasters and attacks from horribly mutated predators, the last remaining humanoids are dead! The only heritage that Mankind has left behind are the ruins of once proud cities and a radiation-sick world glowing with a constant fluorescent twilight. The land is alive with animal species, all mutations; the seas are stagnant and dead! Lured by the radiation emanating from the once blue and green Earth, an alien vessel enters the solar system. As galactic wardens of Infinite wisdom, they decree that one of the remaining races on Earth should be helped to survive. Due to its hard shell a certain species of Turtle emerges unscathed from the holocaust. The aliens protect certain of the brick houses left across the world by the humanoids: they also leave a number of Time Gates behind before they finally turn around and leave the solar system as unobtrusively as they came. Food, is scarce, and the mutations quickly learn that the only source of clean nourishment is Turtle Flambe! As the largest and strongest of the turtles, it is your duty to find and carry all other turtles to the security of the "Safe Houses". As each land is secured, you must use the Time Gates left by the aliens to warp yourself to other lands and other dimensions in order that Turtledom might survive.
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