
The Width of the World

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You are Alan Roxbury, husband of the missing Sarah Roxbury. It is now ten years since the events in the story took place. All that time you have spent waiting... waiting for the world to widen again. To earn your living during the interval you have worked in the craft shop at Forby, doing Sarah's old job - which has also helped preserve your sense of connection with her. You never did sell the Volvo. In the aftermath of all the disappearances you couldn't get a fair price for the car; and besides, in the event, you couldn't bear to part with it. But you hardly ever use the Volvo. You can't really afford the petrol. So generally you walk the two miles from your home in Ferrier Malvis to Forby and back, unless some villager gives you a lift. Another resolution you didn't carry through was to turn the garden over to vegetables; or to keep hens for eggs, and for company. Hens and brussels sprouts weren't qite your scene, you decided. And memories of Sarah are enough company for you. Nor did you actually burn your copies of Wide World Magazine. You just wrapped them and buried them in the garden. Burning them, you felt, might somehow have stopped you from ever sensing out a route to Sarah, when and if the chance arrived. Now it has arrived. Earlier, at Forby, you felt strange sense of unease. Impulsively you left the shop and got a lift home. However, the drive took far longer than usual. The distance effect has returned. You must now find the exit point and a way through it, locate Sarah and bring her home...

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Not Rated

Simon Gould
Mosaic Publishing
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