
Ziggarat of Dread

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For many years the people of Grax have lived in fear of the priests of Dreshnig. The priests have always remained in their mighty ziggarat temple; invulnerable. Sometimes, in the dead of night, bands of creatures - the priests had mutated human slaves - descend on the town of Grax and kidnap a dozen or more unfortunate people. Their fate can only be guessed at. Nobody has ever managed to find a way of entering the ziggarat though many a distraught parent or spouse has tried. On their last raid, the creatures of the priests took your sister, Yelda, and you have sworn to get your revenge. Your brother, Torvil, also swore revenge and went to the ziggarat to search. He came back with a mysterious, rune covered, disc. Not wanting your brother to enter the ziggarat and die, you say nothing about the disc. . . but you have seen such a disc before. Around the neck of one of the priest's hideous slaves. Could this be the means of entering the temple? You believe so, and you set out to enter the ziggarat and rescue your sister or to wreak a terrible vengeance on those who have taken her. Once inside the 'Ziggarat of Dread' you will have to fight for your continued survival against the foul minions of Dreshnig. If your luck runs out may even stumble into Dreshnig itself.

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