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Illustration of Caves of Ice

Caves of Ice


Robert Tsuk invented a game called "Quinti-Maze," wrote a version for the Apple, and won a prize in a BYTE magazine game contest. It looked too intriguing to be limited to Apple owners, so Marvin Bunker wrote a version called "Caves of Ice" to Commodore computers. After contacting each others they joined forces and this game is the result of their joint efforts.

At the start you are somewhere in a five-story structure made entirely of ice. Each floor has 25 rooms in a five-by-five array. Carved into the walls of each room are one or more openings, doors to the north, south, east, west, up, or down. How-ever, you can see only the doors available to you from your present vantage point. Only one door in the building opens to the outside - it may be in a wall, the roof, or the floor of the building. Your goal is to get out as fast as possible before freezing inside.

Robert Tsuk
Atari 800
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Box - Front

Caves of Ice - Box - Front - 608x813
World -  608 x 813

Screenshot - Gameplay

Caves of Ice - Screenshot - Gameplay - 336x240
336 x 240