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Illustration of Asteroid Miners

Asteroid Miners


Asteroid Miners is a space-themed arcade game for the 8-bit Atari.

Your home planet is in dire need of specific resources, which can only be found in an asteroid field in a dangerous realm of space. The player controls a large mining vessel, and has a limited time span to scoop up the valuable gold and blue asteroids, while avoiding the unstable and worthless white asteroids. If the player scoops up all asteroids with time remaining, they enter a bonus round on a secondary field, where they try to gather additional resources for bonus points. There are 3 difficulty levels. On level 1, asteroids are stable, and time is plentiful. On the higher levels, new asteroids appear during gameplay, and can damage the mining vessel. Furthermore, white asteroids might explode on impact with the miner.

Mark Chasin
Atari 800
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Box - Back

Asteroid Miners - Box - Back - 800x1230
North America -  800 x 1230

Box - Front

Asteroid Miners - Box - Front - 800x1230
North America -  800 x 1230

Clear Logo

Asteroid Miners - Clear Logo - 2400x900
North America -  2400 x 900

Screenshot - Game Title

Asteroid Miners - Screenshot - Game Title - 336x240
336 x 240

Screenshot - Gameplay

Asteroid Miners - Screenshot - Gameplay - 336x240
336 x 240
Asteroid Miners - Screenshot - Gameplay - 336x240
336 x 240