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Illustration of LOGITrumps Ultimate

LOGITrumps Ultimate


Logitrumps is a card game, like we used to play it in the 80's similar to the card game "War". Each player (you and the computer) gets the same number of cards. Each card represents a retro computer and has several values like Year, memory, colors, RAM, etc. Each card has strength and weaknesses. If a computer has a lot of memory or colors, it usually isn't that old and therefor would likely lose in the year category. Usually the higher value wins with the exception of the year where the lower value wins. The player to win all the cards through strategic match-ups wins the game.

Commodore 64
Alternate Names
  • August 8, 2020
No information available


Clear Logo

LOGITrumps Ultimate - Clear Logo - 420x134
420 x 134

Fanart - Box - Front

LOGITrumps Ultimate - Fanart - Box - Front - 798x1072
798 x 1072

Screenshot - Game Over

LOGITrumps Ultimate - Screenshot - Game Over - 384x272
384 x 272
LOGITrumps Ultimate - Screenshot - Game Over - 384x272
384 x 272

Screenshot - Game Select

LOGITrumps Ultimate - Screenshot - Game Select - 384x272
384 x 272

Screenshot - Game Title

LOGITrumps Ultimate - Screenshot - Game Title - 320x200
320 x 200

Screenshot - Gameplay

LOGITrumps Ultimate - Screenshot - Gameplay - 384x272
384 x 272
LOGITrumps Ultimate - Screenshot - Gameplay - 384x272
384 x 272
LOGITrumps Ultimate - Screenshot - Gameplay - 384x272
384 x 272