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Illustration of Xenon 2000: Project PCF

Xenon 2000: Project PCF


Xenon 2000: Project PCF, is actually a one level game based on the design of Xenon 2. The name comes from the gaming magazine PCFormat, which made a project about this. The one level game is very playable and is still as tough and as beautiful as its predessecor.

Xenon 2000: Project PCF is an old school arcade scrolling spaceship shooter where your task is to guide your ship through meteorstorms, oncoming alien spacecrafts and fly around obstacles in general. You can upgrade your weapon, your ship can have added cannons and you can upgrade the speed of your ship by collecting powerups either released when shooting down enemies, or scattered around the level. This game also offers you the option of diving when you need to go under certain obstacles - but you will need a specific pick-up for that, and they are offered when needed.

Bitmap Brothers made the first two Xenon games back in 1988 and 1989, titled Xenon and Xenon 2: Megablast. These were both highly acclaimed, and the second installment was seen as one of the best games around scoring high in the 90's on the gamemagazines 100% scales. The games made instant classics-status, and still today enjoy the recognition of many oldgamers.

Beware that this game might not last longer than one level, but it will still keep you occupied for long, as you try to fight your way to that monstrous boss in the end!

Alternate Names
  • Xenon 2000
No information available
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Xenon 2000: Project PCF - Banner - 533x195
World -  533 x 195

Box - Front

Xenon 2000: Project PCF - Box - Front - 800x683
United Kingdom -  800 x 683