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We offer you one of the games of most popular playing cards in our part of the world. In the program that we present to you, we have included our synthesizer voice, with which computer messages they will be in addition to graphics too voiced. Your opponent in the game is naturally your computer that will also do banking work. You will have to make the bet by arranging from an initial amount of 5,000 ptas., going on to order letters, keeping in mind that the objective is to gather such a number of points, that later is not surpassed by the computer on its turn to play. The maximum valid score is seven and half. A higher value means 0 points and, logically, our adversary he would beat us with a single requested card. The values ​​of the cards correspond to its number, except for the Page, Knight and King (1 O, 11 and 12 respectively) that have a value of mean. Each trick will be won by the player who has the highest score he has collected, taking the initial bet. In case of a tie, bank wins and will automatically increase the winner counter, both in games won and in pesetas. Only in case of winning bank with "seven thirty", it will pay double the amount bet. The keyboard to use in each case is: C Request letter, P stand up At the end of each game, a new menu with the options of: M Returns to the main menu. E starts a new game, resetting the counters. Or Continue more tricks of the same game.

Alternate Names
  • Las 7.5

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