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Illustration of Centurion (APX)

Centurion (APX)


Centurion is a real-time strategy war game for the 8-bit Atari.

The player takes on the role of a Roman centurion warrior assigned to destroy ten hordes of barbarians before they destroy the player's ten legions. The player's legion occupies 10 positions on an 11 x 18 grid of hexagons, and you don't know the location of the enemy units until your legion nears them. Enemy units are constantly moving, and you must focus multiple units on single enemy legions to be successful.

Centurion has ten levels of difficulty. Higher levels allow barbarians greater strength, and allows the player less time to plan their moves. Units move by inputting up their next moves, up to 4 movements in total. These then progress in real-time.

Robert Zdybel
Atari 800
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Box - Front

Centurion (APX) - Box - Front - 837x1074
North America -  837 x 1074

Clear Logo

Centurion (APX) - Clear Logo - 2400x311
North America -  2400 x 311


Centurion (APX) - Disc - 781x791
North America -  781 x 791

Screenshot - Game Select

Centurion (APX) - Screenshot - Game Select - 336x224
336 x 224

Screenshot - Gameplay

Centurion (APX) - Screenshot - Gameplay - 336x224
336 x 224
Centurion (APX) - Screenshot - Gameplay - 336x224
336 x 224