Hobgoblin was originally released in 1991, programmed by David Parsons for the BBC Micro and Acorn Electron computers. Although ports were released for other machines at the time, the Atari 8-bit never received one, and in 2008 was adapted as a homebrew port with Parsons consent. The game is equivalent of Ghosts 'N Goblins. Just like the original, you play a thinly-clad man jumping around in a spooky landscape filled with monsters. And just like the original, the game is known for its high difficulty level. Killing monsters by throwing daggers at them results in bonus money or upgrades, such as hatchets, more powerful daggers, longer range or extra lives. Technically, the game doesn't scroll on any platform, instead sticking to a flip-screen technique, which will lead to many leaps of faith and difficulties in timing jumps.
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