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Illustration of Lunar Jetman

Lunar Jetman


Lunar Jetman is a port of the BBC Micro game of the same name, with an attention to detail to make it as close to the original in gameplay and visuals as possible.

The game is a sequel of sorts to Jetpac and features a similar jetpac enabled character. In this game you are attempting to destroy an alien base. You have your suit, with a limited amount of jetpac fuel, a lunar rover that can replenish your jetpac and is invulnerable to the flying adversaries, and various items you can carry on the rover: a bomb, a canon, and a teleporter.

While the rover makes you invulnerable to the flying hazards, it can only move over flat terrain, so you have to repair divots in the terrain by getting out in your suit.

Frantisek Houra
Atari 800
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available


Screenshot - Game Title

Lunar Jetman - Screenshot - Game Title (United States) - 336x240
United States -  336 x 240

Screenshot - Gameplay

Lunar Jetman - Screenshot - Gameplay (World) - 336x240
World -  336 x 240