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Illustration of Nixy the Glade Sprite

Nixy the Glade Sprite


Nixy is a glade sprite charged with looking after the Gaia stone. The Gaia stone is the heart of the Glade and gives life to the plants and flowers.

But something is wrong with the stone, its been corrupted and now once beautiful flowers are turning dangerous and the once friendly Mushroom people are attacking !

The Old Ones talk of a pool of water which in ages past cleansed the stone. Maybe that might work again?

Travel through the forest avoiding deadly plants and creatures to find the sacred Moon Pool and cleanse the Gaia stone, then return it to the Guardian Tree in the Glade.

Can you save the Glade ?

Alternate Names
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Clear Logo

Nixy the Glade Sprite - Clear Logo (null) - 450x206
450 x 206

Screenshot - Gameplay

Nixy the Glade Sprite - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 512x384
512 x 384
Nixy the Glade Sprite - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 512x384
512 x 384
Nixy the Glade Sprite - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 512x384
512 x 384