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Illustration of Spirits



You're in a castle, where a series of magical phenomena have been taking place: a young girl and a military armor have been victims of an enchantment. Its author, an evil warlock and our main enemy, has adopted the form of an eagle and has also requested help of a legion of ghosts, monsters, demons, werewolves and other kinds of despicable creatures, that will try to avoid that we can reach their master. Once we get started, our immediate goal will consist in the following: In the first place, as every classic magician, we should go in search of our crystal ball.

Once we have it, we are going to be able to see which are the movements of all the relevant personages in the story (the young lady, the armor and the eagle), also, it's going to show us where are the resting two elements required for our adventure: the magic wand (with which we will counter-enchant the girl) and the book of spells (essential to break the spell of the armor). Here it is where the graphical innovations of the program will occupy the an important place in the game.

All these monitorings above mentioned are possible because the screen is divided in two zones. In the superior part we will see the adventures of our personage. Simultaneously, in the inferior zone, there will appear the exact place of the castle in which the object or personage we are looking for is located.

Topo Soft
Topo Soft
Alternate Names
No information available
No information available
No information available


Box - 3D

Spirits - Box - 3D (Spain) - 334x551
Spain -  334 x 551

Box - Back

Spirits - Box - Back (Spain) - 93x395
Spain -  93 x 395

Box - Front

Spirits - Box - Front (Spain) - 381x600
Spain -  381 x 600

Box - Spine

Spirits - Box - Spine (Spain) - 47x392
Spain -  47 x 392

Clear Logo

Spirits - Clear Logo (null) - 641x134
641 x 134

Screenshot - Game Title

Spirits - Screenshot - Game Title (null) - 512x384
512 x 384

Screenshot - Gameplay

Spirits - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 512x384
512 x 384
Spirits - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 512x384
512 x 384
Spirits - Screenshot - Gameplay (null) - 512x384
512 x 384