The fifth game in the series based on the anime adaptation of Yoshiki Tanaka's Legend of the Galactic Heroes science fiction novels. The novels (and the games) are set in a futuristic world, where humanity has conquered the entire Milky Way and split into two powerful warring states, each encompassing different systems and planets: the Galactic Empire (modeled after Bismark's 19th century Prussia), and the democratic Free Planets Alliance. Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu V is a tactical strategy game featuring 60 scenarios and can be played in a campaign mode or scenario mode. Players may take the role of either the Galactic Empire or the Free Planets Alliance. All movement and combat is handled in a turn-based fashion and all the attacks are accompanied by pre-rendered 3D videos of the ships attacking and taking damage. The scenario mode branches out based on the player's victories. In addition to being able to choose the admiral and the number of ships to appear, as well as organizing the fleet, it is possible for two players to fight against each other.
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